it was brought to my attention that some of you would love to donate preloved books to bookdarlin! someone even asked if you'd be able to send the books you buy from bookdarlin back, after writing your own annotations in them, which I thought was so sweet and on brand ♡

for those who would like to donate books, please note that you would be responsible for purchasing the shipping label and shipping it to bookdarlin! as much as i want to provide the shipping label for you, unfortunately i can't afford to do so just yet, as bookdarlin just recently opened.

i absolutely want to show you how appreciative i am for your donation; so as a thank you, once I receive your book(s), you will be receiving a 15% off voucher that you can use on your next preloved book!

if you're still interested in donating, please fill out the information below and i can send you the address and we can get this started! ◡̈ <3

thank you so much for your love and support. can't wait to hear from you!

Contact form